Collect Likes to Remove Watermark From Downloaded Video

Posted at 2020/02/17

Hundreds of facebook likes


Big news! Now you can download watermark-free video for free by collecting 10 Likes from Facebook.

The task is simple. Just share your photo slideshow work on Facebook and invite your friends to watch it. If they like it, they will like it.

Photo slideshow player window screenshot

When it reached target number, you can check the "I have collected 10 Likes and want to remove watermark for free" option when requesting video download. Below is a screenshot to show how it looks like.

Request video download page screenshot


Note that the counter beside Facebook like button is an aggregation of all shares, likes, and comments for the same URL. The actual number of likes may be smaller that it shows. In that case, you may see some error page like below.

Not enough likes error message

We don't recommend you simply call for "push the like button for me". Instead we hope you touch their heart with impressive stories. And it is quite easy to do that with Pholody. Check this post to find tips on making high quality photo slideshows.

This is a campaign and we reserve the right to change conditions or terminate it at any time without prior notice.

Happy photo slideshow!